I am a magnet. Even from 4000 miles away. how is it that I can be a magnet when I havent even seen this person for 3 months? How does that happen?
Women are such dummies. Take it from me girls, if you "think" there is something, or are afraid there is something, that your husband is attracted to another woman, don't tell him. Chances are great that he may have been attracted from a distance (we are all human) but had no plans to act on it, but if you put that idea into his head... or the idea that the woman might be attracted to him or "after him" guess what. You will create a self fufilling prophecy. I have been that "woman" three times now (that I am aware of. Three times, where I had no intention of pursuing anything with said husband, didnt even think of it, perhaps had a bantering light flirtation that would have gone no further. But then, the wife made the tragic mistake of saying to her hubby: She likes you, she wants you... or You want her dont you? Or, are you attracted to her? something anything, which puts it into his head, that maybe, perhaps, maybe there is something there...
Stop it.
My reaction has always been, you are being stupid. (to the husband i mean), and "i have no plans to get involved with you or any married man" whcih is the truth. BUt guess what ladies... that drives them bonkers. then they pursue me even harder... and they pull away from you, the one who gave them the idea, the one who is now nagging or acting suspicious or crying or asking "do you love me" "are you having an affair" or who are giving them the cold shoulder.
so now there is this tantalizing woman that is playing hard to get (in their minds), and their wife, who is actng more and more like hamburger every day.
Knock it off. Dont mention me again. Dont nag, dont pout, dont ask, dont follow, dont yell. Cool it, and be the woman he fell in love with, pretend to be that lively vivacious confident woman that doesnt need him. shwo him that you are steak.
I dont want these guys, I dont want the one that cheats, but for whatever reason, I collect them, like magnets. My family calls them puppies or conquests.
so ladies please dont point me out to them.
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