Wednesday, August 11, 2010


we are having a difficult time.

no, in fact, I need to be thankful for where we have gotten to in such a short period of time, since mid July, we have been working on a new sleep routine for Belle, and low and behold, i can put her down for a nap and for bedtime and she puts her self to sleep without crying. I need to rejoice in this! praise her for this!

instead, I am complaining and worrying becuase she is waking up at 0400, 0430, 0500, 0530 and trying to climb back in bed with mama.

and today I got to thinking, how bad is that? right now, she sees me from 0400 - 1200 and then she spends the rest of the day with her tammi. and tammi puts her to bed, and so when she rouses at 0400 she sees I am here and wants to be with me.

perhaps instead of fighting this, i should give her hugs and kisses and have her come to me, and let her nurse, and then fall asleep with her in my arms.

will this cause a setback on the bed time routine?
will this help her with her separation anxiety?
will this stop once my schedule changes and I am with her for dinner and the evening ritual and bedtime routine?

i hope so..

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