Yesterday I called my friend Dawn, after months of procrastinating, to go for a walk at work. and I scheduled it into my day for the rest of the time that we will be here. I also called my friend Andrew and organized to have dinner with him on Thursday and maybe Friday. Strangely enough, as I was perusing Motherlode I found a comment by another blogger (sorry that I dont have the right reference) about if you think of someone, call them, then, at that moment. I am sure this is a reference to being mindful, to be in the moment. We put things off, and as a single working mom, what I put off the most is stuff for myself. I will only be here in the states for another 6 weeks or so, and I havent done nearly the amount of re connecting as I had hoped to. What is up with that?
So this week, I have had lunch with someone that I really havent talked to since our mutual friend passed away 1 year ago tomorrow. which reminds me that I MUST call and send a card to this friends widow. which I will pause now to do...
I dont know if this is appropriate to do. But I did send a condolence card to mark the date that Mart passed away. I always think of these things, and the things I would like to do, but then somehow the days slip away and I dont do them. Silly. Cause these are the important connections, and not this meeting or that meeting at work.
I wish I could keep that in mind throughout my day.
Belle is doing well. She is blossoming into the most beautiful and happy little girl. She wants so badly to count on her little fingers and she does it, 1, 2, 5, 9, 2 :) and she tries to sing her abc's when she washes her hands. And I am not allowed to do it with her anymore.
Funny how they pick up habits like that. ANd sometimes, just doing something once becomes a habit. so i warn everyone, be careful, dont do it if you dont want to be doing it everyday.
as I am well aware since we are still nursing to go to sleep at night, and she still nurses off and on all night long.
So on my list when we return to NL, is to get her into her own bed at home. I will start with her naps (i think bringing Tammi home with us will only help this) and hopefully as the time goes by we can move this to her bedtime as well. Cause although i am perfectly fine with goign to bed at 8 adn getting up at 5. she doesnt sleep as well with me in the bed. and i want her to be healthy and happy.
so i have all grand plans to write more often. but i am practical enough to know this may not happen. so i will strive to write a little bit about our day everyday. even if it isnt witty or important.
because who judges what is important? and I already miss all those days when she was a baby. and wish I had those thoughts on paper (or digitally as the case may be) now.
news; we hopefully have found an au pair to bring home with us. her name is Tammi and she is my age. she is quite a character and I believe an old soul. I sure do hope it works out.
I will try to organize a babysitting gig for our Jen K in the next weeks. and I want to propose to tammi to do a baby sitting gig as well.
i would like to do some out on the town with some friends before I go. and as much as I love B, I know i dont get invited fro these because of her and my habit of bringing her everywhere with me :)
I need to see when miss Andrea is coming into town and organize the sitter for those evenigns... i think i will do that now
tot ziens
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