Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Relocation Plans

We have found a nanny/mother’s helper to come back to NL with us and stay for the summer. Her name is Tammi, and she is about our age. She has 3 grown children, and a husband (who is quite understanding and supportive I must say). Tammi is an artist, a teacher, and a professional nanny and doula. She is taking this position because she loves children and wants the adventure of it as well. We are very lucky to have found her. You can read a bit about her here:

The only unfortunate thing, is that she will only be with us for the summer. So we are already advertising for a full time au pair for the year. Take one step at a time and everything will fall into place.

Belle has been thriving in her school. So much so, that I am very concerned about what will happen when she wont have that environment back in Enkhuizen. That said, we have enrolled Belle in the Montesorri program in Enkhuizen, and I have been in conversations with the director about what is possible and advisable. Based on the advice, Belle will begin with 2 mornings per week and transition to 5 mornings per week and perhaps one afternoon (since Belle still naps from 1230-1500, this is superfluous until/unless she moves to a shorter nap or no nap, but we aren’t pushing that, as naps are important). This is another reason why we are doing a mother’s helper, as with my job, I cant (as much as I would like to) be there to bring her and pick her up every day for these half day sessions.

So. Our plans.

7 May will be my last day at work in SBI (USRE) here in NC. Unfortunately, our last day in our apartment is 30-April. So we will be packing from now until then, getting some stuff shipped back to NL (the winter things) and then some more stuff shipped back to NL (so we are left with just what we need to travel back) and storing some things with our very good friend David, and giving some things away (that she has outgrown or will outgrow before we are back in the USA). My parents are coming to be with us the last week in April, and although it wasn’t the plan for them to help us move, it is thankfully good timing. At the same time, I am hosting and planning a meeting for about 60 persons for work. So it will be a busy time. the next week is no better, since we have another meeting and then culminating in a big day at work that our group will be hosting. Somehow, I will get it done.

So from 30-April until 12 or 13 May, Belle and I will be staying with David (thank you David) and trying not to spread our stuff around his house (so we can be sure we have everything when it is time to go).

On 12 or 13 May we will fly to Florida to be with Opa and Oma for some last days. And then… they will bring us to MIAMI where we will embark on a 14 day cruise to Barcelona. We are bringing Tammi with us on the cruise, in hopes to use this time as the real bonding and transition for her and Belle. This will be our summer vacation and hopefully a relaxing way to get us back to Europe.

We land in Barcelona on 3 June and will spend at least one night in town (perhaps two) before we fly to Amsterdam. So we shoud be arriving in AMS either 4 or 5 June and will be back home that day.

Work starts up again for me either 10 or 11 June, depending on how we are doing with Belle and her transition into her school and with Tammi.

Whew! It makes me tired just writing it. but I am sure it will be a lovely transition and experience.

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